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Oh Canada!

As I type the Chef and I are staring at packed bags *and probably trying to shove in some extra things just sayin'* for a quick trip to Canada to see my family over the Labor Day weekend.  We're in a bit of a conundrum trying to choose a return date, and hoping it all just works out so we can be back mid-week.  Uh, yeah.  Can you say ill-prepared?  All together now...

Anyway.  When I think of Canada I think of so many of the comforts of home that start with f-o-o-d.  I'm looking forward to stepping off the plane and indulging in all of the following things that we can't get here in the United States.

Can I get a YAHOO! from all my Canadian readers?!?
Ketchup chips for President!!
If he can't find the Hot Wing chips the Chef is all about these.
Of course he'll have to pry them out of my Vulcan grip first.

Of course we'll be double fisting with chips in one hand
and one or more of these fab chocolate bars in the other.

After breakfast (hehe) I'll be ready for lunch at my fave burger stand - Burger Baron!
Pass the gluten as I fall dangerously off the wagon and order 
the Mushroom Burger as well as the Salisbury which you can't 
even see on this menu.  
You can guarantee we'll indulge in this madness:  Poutine!!
Fries, gravy and cheddar cheese.  I've been fasting all day!!
I pretty much lived on straight french fries and gravy in high school,
so clear the way!!  What are we on?  Course 10?
I fully intend to continue with stomach madness 2010 by eating this entire 
cake for dessert.  It is amazing and you'd never know 
I grew up with a mother who baked everything from scratch
based on my addiction to this nonsense.  She was so offended!!
Not to worry, the next morning I'll heave myself back onto
the gluten-free wagon, pull out my gf bread and smother it 
in this most fantastic cinnamon spread while my brother
makes a fantastic breakfast and my niece fills me in on
her latest pair of shoes.
And then we'll get her ready for her first day of kindergarten.
I'm not sure who's going to cry more - her mom, her dad or me!

I'll try to slip in a post or two here and there *I feel like a failed blogger when I skip a day, but life is life*, but I see my family so seldom that we try to maximize our moments together.  That being said I do hope to pay a special visit to my friends "Holt Renfrew" and "Artizia", as well as "Roots" - which we do have in Beverly Hills, but it's just not the same - and, of course, report back to you with my findings!  Hold on ladies...I'm going in for a food and apparel landing!

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