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slowly then all at once

Do you ever get in a funk and not even fully realize you're in it?  Yesterday I received a note from a dear friend (who is really more like family) reminding me that 3 years ago to the day we were in Hawaii for a special service commemorating the passing of another dear, dear friend of ours.  A wave of emotion and so many memories swept over me all at once.  That was a particularly special time, and trip, simultaneously filled with so much joy and sadness words really can't describe.

Just the other day I mentioned that I've been experiencing some sort of wardrobe crisis.  I chalked it up to boredom, maybe too much stuff or not being able to focus on the right stuff to pull things together; possibly the rainy, cool weather of the past couple of weeks.  Yet inside I knew it didn't add up - I lived in Washington State with buckets of rain for several years and those were some of the happiest days of my life - days that were not void of fun outfits.  This afternoon when I mentioned the passing of my friend to the Chef it suddenly dawned on me that it being this time of the year is probably the reason for my grey days.  The heart is an interesting thing.  As much as we think we've moved on from something in our mind - it is our heart that ultimately determines how far we've gone.  I guess I've still got a ways to go.

Tonight when I looked at pictures from that trip I remembered a different me - a more peaceful me.  My posts have been pretty somber lately.  Here's an attempt to turn the tide, even a little.

Kauai - October 2007

Here's to brighter days ahead.  Have a great weekend and Happy Halloween, everyone.

Losing It - My Balance That Is

Is it possible to have a mid-wardrobe crisis?  I'm still in the LOST version of closet life (no not that closet, the one that holds my stuff) and have thought more than once that maybe this is like a mid-life crisis only of the apparel kind.  Hmmmm.  The fog did lift temporarily when I heard the magic delivery man scream out early this morning, "UPS FRONT DOOR!".  I, in turn, screamed, "CHEF, UPS FRONT DOOR!!" in a zombie-like state from my bed.  What?!  It was early (read before 10am), and I have no business scaring anyone who is gainfully employed with the way I look prior to noon.  Halloween's on Sunday.

It all started when I saw her wearing them here.  Carey is probably my favorite blogger out there - she and her husband, Rob, have the most witty, entertaining posts with the best outfit and cat pictures evah!  And you know how I am about the cats, people!  When I saw her in these shoes it was a like the light bulb went on and whispered, "must-have" ever so softly.  Since then I have been fighting the ol' Jessica Simpson Dany's tooth and nail with excuses like, "but they're Jessica Simpson!" (so rude yes, I know), "I'll trip and kill myself in those mothers - no can do!", and "what if I crack my head open?? I'm pretty sure my insurance won't cover that."  Last week I found them on sale and must have purchased them in a white out (just like Dr. Drew says Amber on Teen Mom has when she beats Gary's a** and can't really remember it) because suddenly a UPS shipment notification showed up in my email and there was no turning back.  Thank heaven.

Eight Sixty Faux Fur Vest, Loomstate for Target Tunic, 
Gap Wideleg Denim, Jessica Simpson Dany Platforms
{Free People, PANYC, Motif 56 leather bracelets}
I wasn't kidding when I said hippie mania has taken over my thoughts.
Sadly you can barely see these huge platform babies, but I trust you've seen them
on everyone else and you will be seeing them again here.
  *quintessential late bloomer*

The wood veneers on the platform remind me of the wood paneled wall my grandparents (and then my parents) had on the length of their/our living room when I was growing up.  Suddenly I was 10 years old again.  It was Saturday afternoon and my mom was bringing pomegranates to me and my brother as we prepped for an hour of Stampede and WWF Wrestling where Davey Boy Smith and the Dynamite Kid flung themselves off ropes and beat everyone to a bloody pulp while Macho Man Randy Savage decided whether Elizabeth could be in his corner or not.  Those were the days.  Shoes - good for the memory and the soul.

Ternak burung kenari untuk pemula

 Dalam beternak kenari ada beberapa factor yang harus diperhatikan yaitu usia kenari, jenis kelamin, sarana penunjang ternak dan ilmu tentang ternak.

Usia Kenari
Usia menjadi factor penentu berhasil atau tidaknya dalam beternak kenari, usia yang terbaik dalam beternak adalah jangan terlalu muda atau jangan terlalu tua. Kenari siap ternak minimal 6 bulan untuk kenari betina dan 8 bulan untuk kenari jantan, tetapi untuk kenari besar seperti Yorkshire dan turunannya sedikit lambat birahi minimal usia 1 tahun.

Jenis kelamin
 Anda sebagai peternak harus menguasai ciri-ciri kenari jantan atau betina, dalam menentukan jenis kelamin kenari cukup sulit bagi pemula tetapi bagi hobis senior sangat mudah menentukannya mereka cukup melihat dari postur tubuh kenari walaupun dalam kasus tertentu Kadang-kadang ada kenari yang sangat sulit ditentukan jenis kelaminnya.
Adapun cirinya yaitu :
  • Kenari jantan diusia muda ± umur 1.5 keatas sudah mulai belajar bunyi / ngriwik.
  • Ukuan tubuh / bodi jantan cenderung ramping (memanjang), leher agak panjang, jika betina bodi kelihatan agak bulat.
  • Anus jantan bila dilihat ( dengan cara ditiup agar bulu disekitar tidak menghalangi) menonjol tegak lurus /vertikal, jika betina sebaliknya / horisontal.
  • Jantan dewasa berbunyi nyaring dan nge roll.

Sarana Penunjang dalam beternak.
Kadang-kadang kita dalam beternak tidak terlalu memperhatikan hal-hal kecil seperti posisi kandang ternak, lingkungan kandang ternak dan saran penunjangnya. Jika hal-hal tersebut kurang diperhatikan akan mengakibatkan kekesalan di kemudian hari. Contohnya pada saat penempatan kandang ternak kita tidak memperhatikan feng shui (he..he.. maaf becanda) lingkungan di sekitar kandang ternak. Penempatan yang terbaik yaitu sangkar atau kandang ternak menempel ke dinding disamping kiri dan kanan sangkar ditutup. Sangkar ternak di tempatkan di daerah yang bebas dari gangguan serangga atau binatang lainnya seperti tikus, cicak dll.

Untuk menghindari dari serangan serangga seperti semut daerah sekeliling sangkar yang menempek ke tembok di kelilingi dengan kapur bagus (kapur ajaib). Jika kandang ternak besar menggunakan kaki maka kaki-kakinya diolesi oli. Sedangkan pengganggu utama selain semut yaitu tikus, tikus sebetulnya hanya mengambil makanan kenari hanya kalau melihat kenari lengah ya di hajar juga dan kejadian ini sering sekali dialami oleh hobis. Dengan penempatan sangkar di dinding diharapkan bisa meminimalkan serangan tikus hanya kadang-kadang tikus juga pintar mencari celah untuk itu anda harus hati-hati dalam penempatan kandang yang terbaik menggunakan kandang aluminium. 

Proses penjodohan
 Jika anda sudah mempunyai sepasang kenari dengan usia siap ternak proses selanjutkan yaitu proses penjodohan. Proses penjodohan yaitu kenari jantan dan betina di tempatkan pada sangkar yang berbeda, dan kedua sangkar tersebut ditempatkan saling berdekatan. Dalam hal ini banyak new comer (peternak pemula) yang tidak sabar menjalani proses penjodohan mereka langsung masukan jantan dan betina kedalam satu kandang.

Dengan adanya proses penjodohan anda akan mengetahui kesiapan kenari tersebut, jika belum jodoh langsung dimasukan ke dalam satu sangkar akibatnya kedua kenari tersebut bisa berantem. Apabila terjadi perkelahian diantara keduanya dan salah satu kenari ada yang kalah maka waktu penjodohan akan lama lagi, terutama jika yang kalah kenari jantan proses penjodohan semakin lama karena anda harus mengkondisikan si jantan agar berani mendekati betinanya. Ada beberapa tip untuk meningkatkan birahi yaitu :
Kenari di beri makanan yang bergizi tinggi seperti telor puyuh, multivitamin dll, Dijemur setiap pagi. Pada saat menjemur dan proses penjodohan sangkar jantan dan betina digandengkan terus menerus, kalau ada jantan lain sekali-kali dipanas-panasin dengan menggunakan jantan lain. Disangkar tempat betina disediakan sangkar berikut isinya. Jangan lupa berdo’a agar kenari yang diternak bisa cepat jodoh dan menghasilkan anak yang berkualitas.

Proses Ternak.
Proses selanjutnya yaitu menyatukan kedua kenari tersebut. Adapun cirri-ciri kenari siap ternak (sudah jodoh) yaitu :
pada saat jantan didekatkan dengan betina sijantan akan mengejar/menabrak sangkar dengan bunyi yang kenceng dan betinanya menggelepar-geleparkan sayapnya tanda minta kawin.
Pada saat sore hari atau menjelang tidur kenari betina dan jantan tidur berdekatan.
Sewaktu-waktu antara kenari betina dan jantan saling meloloh makanan.
Jika didalam sangkar betina di dikasih sarang beserta isinya, kenari betina akan menyusun atau merapihkan isi sarang, jika isi sarang sudah disusun biasanya betina siap ternak.

Dalam menyatukan kedua kenari tidak ada aturan waktu yang baku anda boleh kapan saja menyatukannya, hanya pengalaman saya waktu yang terbaik yaitu sore hari. Dengan menyatukan sore hari diharapkan pada malam hari keduanya sudah rukun sehingga pagi harinya sudah jodoh. Karena sudah mengalami masa penjodohan maka pada saat penyatuan tidak terlalu riskan berantem tetapi kita harus terus memantau karena takutnya terjadi berantem.

Setelah keduanya rukun coba perhatikan isi sarang kalau isi sarang kotor maka ganti isi sarang tersebut dan sebagian isi sarang simpan di dasar sangkar biasanya isi sarang didasar sangkar akan dipindah ke dalam sarang. Untuk memperhalus sarang kenari betina biasanya suka mencabuti bulu halus jantannya atau bulu halus dari kenari betina, biasanya jika di dalam sarang sudah ada bulu-bulu halus tandanya tidak lama lagi induk betina akan bertelor. Untuk mempercepat proses bertelor dan mengurangi mencabuti bulu halus  kedalam sangkar bisa dimasukkan kapas secukupnya.

Caption Contest #17

Taking a temporary break from my series of Papua New Guinea posts, I thought we'd snuggly into another Bill of the Birds caption contest.

Please submit your clever caption for this photo (of my friend Dr. Steve Banner using his BWD bino harness in a Scandinavian hot spring) and if your entry is selected as the winner by our panel of judges, you'll receive an autographed copy of the currently out-of-print (and oh-so collectible) best-selling book "Bird Watching For Dummies."

Get it? Got it? Good!

Revelations From a Rooftop

I've got a confession to make:  I am absolutely uninspired by my wardrobe at present.  Whenever I think about an outfit post I enter the closet, become depressed, turn and walk out.  The solution is not buying more things to make an outfit.  Of that I am certain.  It doesn't take much to walk through Saks, Barneys or Bloomingdales (*or insert any retailer here*), buy a bunch of labels and put an outfit together - let's face it - it's label land.  It's just that, well, all of that has suddenly become very bland to me.  I think I'm having an existential closet crisis. 

Last week, after staring at Olivia Palermo's $1200 $895 (red alert friends!  I just got a note regarding price reduction!) Daryl K leather pants (Daryl K are you out there?  Carrie loves your pants and is a total hypocrite after her above statement, but still means every word) I decided that I, too, must find my way into something similar.  This led, of course, to a significantly less expensive pair at H&M - which I love nonetheless.  It took everything in me not to throw then on with a fave Tank Farm T, but I wasn't going to a metal concert or a biker bar.  Maybe next time. 
James Perse Cotton/Cashmere - Sweater Coat, T by Alexander Wang, H&M - Pants,
Elizabeth and James - Boss Haircalf Western Booties 
Suffice it to say this won't be the last you see of these booties.
I envision them with skinny denim and a plaid flannel - due to wardrobe block
I haven't gotten beyond that part.  sigh
James Perse really does have some of the finest craftsmanship out there.
This sweater coat is one of my favorite things.
Free People Necklace.  Perfect mixture of clunky and junky with a feminine touch.
See even though I do love this outfit, something in me is just missing a bit more pizazz - a bit more creativity and off-the-wallness.  I'm feeling rather labeled out these days.  It's actually making me tired...has someone slipped something into my tea?

I feel a hippie phase coming on.

Hershey's Peanut Butter Blossoms (Gluten-Free Version Included)

I had a completely different post planned for today, but then got the wise idea (last night after Project Runway at, oh, 10:30pm) that I neeeeded to bake some cookies.  Perfect.  They ended up turning out so well I decided to switch everything up and share them with you just in time for the weekend.

Right around the time I got diagnosed with Celiac a good friend gave me a dreamy little book entitled Hershey's Easy Baking.  I was so excited to try the recipes, but soon after realized I couldn't eat any of the things on the pages.  Every time I opened my recipe drawer and saw the book it pained me, but I still held onto it hoping one day things might change.  After much trial and error I figured out a good gluten-free flour blend that makes cookies taste just like regular flour ones...why I haven't tested out that blend on the recipes in this book before tonight I do not know, dear friends.  Things will be a changin' over here at Casa Carrie!  After tasting one of these cookies the Chef looked over and asked if I made them gluten-free.  And then he said I missed my calling and should be baking gf treats full-time for a living (mayjah compliment!).  Awww shucks, thanks Chef *blush*.

 The recipe  produced 52 amazing cookies!

Hershey's Peanut Butter Blossoms
  • 48 Hershey's Kisses Chocolates
  • 1/2 cup shortening
  • 3/4 cup Creamy Peanut Butter
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/3 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour (*I used my gluten-free flour blend found here*)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Granulated sugar
Heat oven to 350°F. Remove wrappers from chocolates.

Beat shortening and peanut butter in large bowl until well blended. Add 1/3 cup granulated sugar and brown sugar; beat until fluffy. Add egg, milk and vanilla; beat well. Stir together flour, baking soda and salt; gradually add to peanut butter mixture - mixing by hand.  Mix the flour in by hand especially if you are doing the gluten-free version because the flour is very sensitive and should not be over mixed.

Shape dough into 1-inch balls (approximately). Roll in granulated sugar; place on ungreased cookie sheet.

Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Immediately press a chocolate into center of each cookie; cookie will crack around edges. Remove from cookie sheet to wire rack. Cool completely. Makes about 4 dozen cookies.

See why I changed the post?  Yum-my! (and no we did not wait for them to cool completely) It's the weekend - let's eat, sleep, and do whatever we feel like.  Any special plans?  TGIF everyone!

Winner of the Melinda Maria Giveaway is...

by Random Number Generator...Connie from SogniESorrisi

Connie - I'll send you an email to get your ring size, stone color preference and mailing address. 

A special thanks to everyone who entered!

Melinda's jewelry is wonderful and you can see it on full display at her site:  Melinda Maria - the pieces are incredibly unique and versatile.  It's candy for the eye!



"PEMASTERAN" Apa arti Pemasteran?
Dan apa tujuan Pemasteran pada burung Pleci?
Pemasteran burung Pleci adalah proses melatih untuk menirukan atau mendoktrin burung Pleci dengan suara-suara lain, agar dapat merekam dan menirukan suara-suara lain yang kita perdengarkan. Suara-suara lain tersebut antara lain suara burung sejenis , suara burung lain dan suara-suara lain yang kita inginkan. Tujuan utama Pemasteran atau Memaster burung Pleci adalah supaya variasi lagu pada burung Pleci yang kita miliki dapat lebih banyak dan menjadi beragam.


Sangat banyak metode dan cara-cara yang dapat dilakukan di dalam proses pemasteran burung Pleci. Dan juga banyak sekali berkembang mitos- mitos yang keliru dalam prakteknya dilapangan. Salah satu mitos aneh yang berkembang, yaitu burung yang akan di master harus melihat burung masternya, agar burung yang dimaster dapat menirukan gaya bunyi dan cara membuka mulut burung master tersebut. Mitos lainnya yaitu proses pemasteran burung Pleci harus menunggu burung dalam keadaan ganti bulu atau mabung. Sebenarnya; Pemasteran dapat kita lakukan tidak harus menunggu burung Pleci dalam keadaan mabung atau berganti bulu. Burung Pleci dalam keadaan normal, bahkan dalam keadaan top form pun juga dapat dilakukan pemasteran. Ada Mitos yang mengatakan pemasteran burung harus menunggu masa burung mabung. Alasannya karena; Pada saat mabung, burung Pleci cenderung untuk banyak diam dan sangat jarang sekali berkicau. Burung yang banyak diam pada masa mabung tersebut, cenderung untuk lebih banyak menggunakan waktunya untuk menyimak dan mengolah suara-suara yang ada disekelilingnya .Apabila suara yang di dengarnya sesuai dengan tipikal karakter suaranya, maka akan direkam dan ditirukan. Untuk dapat melakukan proses pemasteran burung Pleci dengan optimal, kita harus memperhatikan beberapa hal penting, hal penting tersebut adalah:

1. Waktu Efektif Pemasteran
2. Mengkondisikan Burung yang akan di Master Waktu efektif dalam proses pemasteran adalah pada waktu burung istirahat, siang hari di dalam rumah (sehabis mandi dan jemur) dan malam hari menjelang pagi (jam 22.00 -06.00) .

Walaupun pemasteran sudah kita lakukan pada waktu-waktu efektif pemasteran, ada hal lain yang harus kita perhatikan. Yaitu mengkondisikan burung yang akan di master. Ini merupakan faktor penting keberhasilan di dalam proses pemasteran. Mengkondisikan disini memiliki arti membuat suasana dan kondisi burung tersebut beristirahat dan membuat suasana menjadi tenang. Yang harus dilakukan adalah: mengkrodong burung dan menjauhkan burung yang akan di master dengan burung sejenis atau burung lain. Fungsi mengkrodong burung disini, bertujuan menipu burung tersebut dengan membatasi pandangannya agar diam dan beristirahat dengan tenang sehingga waktunya akan digunakan untuk mendengar suara-suara yang ada di sekitarnya. Setelah kita menentukan waktu efektif dan mengkondisikan burung yang akan di master, suara-suara master hendaknya diperdengarkan dengan volume kecil saja tetapi sangat jelas terdengar. Jauhkan penempatan burung master dan sumber suara master dengan burung yang akan di master. Suara burung master yang terlalu besar dan jarak yang terlalu berdekatan dengan burung yang akan di master, berpotensi tidak akan direkam oleh burung yang akan di master. Banyak kasus juga, hal ini berpotensi dapat membuat burung yang akan di master menjadi jatuh mental dan stress.
Suara master yang kita rekomentasikan untuk burung Pleci adalah suara-suara master yang berkarakter roll tembak dengan variasi speed yang variatif dengan amplitudo intonasi panjang yang dinamis. 
Contoh suara master (burung master) yang direkomendasikan (sangat baik) untuk burung Pleci adalah:
Semua jenis burung Kolibri.
  • Burung Gelatik Wingko.
  • Trecetan burung Gereja.
  • Semua jenis burung Finch (Kenari , Goldfinch, Blackthroat, Herda Sanger, Mozambik, Siskin, dll)
  • Semua jenis burung Pelatuk.
  • Semua jenis burung Ciblek.
  • Semua jenis burung Perenjak.
  • Semua jenis burung Flycather.
  • Semua jenis Jay (Cililin , Blue Jay, Black Jay, dll)
  • Burung Cucak Jenggot / Kapas Tembak.
  • Dan lain-lain .

Dari semua jenis burung tsb yg paling mudah di tangkap burung pleci adalah suara burung kenari dan burung mozambik.
Ada beberapa hal penting yang harus diperhatikan agar pemasteran dapat berhasil dengan optimal:

Sebaiknya burung Pleci mulai dimaster sejak usia dini, yaitu mulai usia 25 hari atau usia 1 bulan. Ini penting karena diyakini pada usia tersebut Auditory Memory burung Pleci tersebut masih kosong atau Auditory Memory belum banyak menyimpan suara-suara yang ada disekitarnya. Proses pemasteran terus berlangsung dengan terpola dan intensif sampai burung tersebut berusia 8-9 bulan.

Usahakan pada masa pemasteran berlangsung, tidak ada suara-suara yang TIDAK diinginkan disekitar burung Pleci yang sedang dimaster tersebut.

Sebaiknya usahakan doktrin lagu (suara master/burung master) yang dijadikan master sebaiknya similiar (memiliki karakter sang sama) dengan karakter dasar suara burung Pleci.

Untuk dapat menyerap suara master dengan baik, dibutuhkan kecerdasan burung yang optimal juga. Berikan nutrisi yang baik dan pola perawatan yang tepat. Semakin besar HVC di otak burung, maka burung akan semakin cerdas.

Pemasteran burung Pleci sama halnya dengan proses doktrin. Artinya semakin sering didengar maka akan direkam dan ditirukan. Idealnya pemasteran dilakukan minimal 4 jam setiap hari. Waktu yang tepat dan waktu efektif untuk pemasteran burung Pleci adalah malam hari sampai pagi hari. Pagi sampai sore juga baik asal suasana sekitar burung mendukung.

Perdengarkan kembali suara-suara master yang sudah pernah diperdengarkan kepada burung Pleci yang dimaster tersebut secara berkala. Tujuannya agar lagu burung Pleci tersebut tetap terjaga dan Auditory Memory burung semakin baik.

Seperti diketahui burung pleci hidup nya senang di dekat sungai atau air mengalir, untuk mandi maupun mencari makan. Untuk burung pleci yang kita pelihara dapat di therapy di dekat suara air mengalirsehingga dapat membuat rilex dan tidak mudah stress, bahkan bisa mempercepat untuk buka paruh, ngalas maupun ngeroll, misal nya bagi yg punya aquarium dpt di gantang dekat aquarium, atau di dekat kamar mandi dengan suara kran air yg mengalir.

Serenity Now: Bacon and JalapeƱo Mac 'n' Cheese

Did you ever seen the "Serenity Now" Seinfeld episode?

All week long I've been whispering under my breath, "serenity now".

Too many deadlines, piles and piles of mail to go through, random cat fur balls in the corner of the livingroom, a counter that needs to be cleared off and laundry to the brim. People dancing on my last nerve.  Serenity now.

All I want to do is bake heaps of peanut butter cookies with mounds of chocolate in the center...and eat them all.  Food is not the answer.  Well maybe it is a little.  The Chef's cat has taken up residence on my lap - all day long.  She's nothing like my cats who are content to sit at my feet.  Instead she wants to be body half on the computer, body half on me slowly inching closer and closer to the keys until she finally goes in for the swat!  Not so helpful when you're trying to get a project accomplished, much less a blog post.  Last night it became apparent around, oh, eight o'clock that I was near the end of my rope.  I heard some clanking in the kitchen, but blocked it out.  A short while later a knock at the door brought one of my faves.  

The picture does not do this dish justice, but last night it was not about pictures or blog posts or making things pretty.  Last night was about reality.  And much needed serenity now.

Bacon and JalapeƱo Mac 'n' Cheese
(which the Chef so aptly called:  
'Mac for you that I didn't get any of since I drank the last Hansen's').
It's a cat eat cat around here for the last Mandarin Orange soda.
 I lost out on the soda.  He lost out on the Mac.  
His choice on the latter. I didn't fight him on it.

Bacon and JalapeƱo Mac 'n' Cheese
Ingredients: Serves 4

4C Macaroni noodles cooked (we use Ancient Harvest Gluten-Free Quinoa Elbow Macaroni)

6 Strips bacon chopped
3 Red 3 Green JalapeƱo - seeds removed and small diced
2T Flour
2C Heavy cream
1C Aged white cheddar grated salt and pepper to taste

1/2C Bread crumbs
1/4C Aged white cheddar grated
2T Butter softened
1T Cilantro chopped

Combine all ingredients together.

Preheat oven to 400.  SautĆ© bacon on low heat till crispy.  Add the jalapeno's and cook for 3 more minutes.  Stir in flour (he used my gluten free flour blend from an earlier post) and continue cooking for 5 minutes.  Slowly drizzle in the cream while stirring.  Bring the cream mixture to a boil then reduce to simmer for 5 minutes.  Turn off heat and whisk in cheese. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Hold warm.

To Finish
Place cooked noodles in desired cooking vessel.  Ladle sauce over noodles to cover.  Sprinkle crust over top.  Bake in oven 8-10 minutes till golden brown and bubbly.

Why do you think it is that people persist in being annoying over the pettiest of things?  Especially when they know exactly what they're doing, but think they're so smart that no one can see it?  It amazes me. One would think that with all the sad and more important things going on in the world focus would lie on those matters - rather than acting like children or, worse yet, cats in a bag.  Shakes head profusely.

Is it Friday yet?

Please Don't Put My Face On A Stretcher

Do you ever have those days when you walk by the mirror, happen to glance up and immediately think (and sometimes exclaim out loud), "What in the hell was that?!"  Sometimes I have to stay up late getting projects and updates prepared for the following day.  Other times I am so wound by bedtime that I put on the Felicity DVD's and float off to wonderland for an hour or two longer than I should (and then there's those Nancy Grace re-runs that happen at midnight...) only to wake up swatting the nightstands when the alarm goes off in the morning.  Stress and lack of sleep can take a lot out a person.  Aging is not much fun, either - and believe you me I am doing my best to fight that mother off with a fierce, but realistic, determination. 

The truth of the matter is we are going to age - and there is no reason not to do so gracefully and naturally.  To me, that means taking realistic preventative measures along the way to care for my skin and body in general.  Injections are not something I'm interested in (seriously.  did you catch the real housewives of beverly hills last week? it scared the hell right out of me).   The idea of injecting a foreign substance into my skin defies logic.  Who knows what the effects are going to be in 15-20 years when all that stuff starts to run its course.  I would much rather do simple things like get proper amounts of rest and exercise - as well as indulge in copious amounts of tea.  

Do you have any idea how good tea is for you??  Here are just some of its many benefits:
  • Tea contains antioxidants that slow down the aging process by helping cells to regenerate and repair.
  • Green tea, in particular, neutralizes free radicals (still not sure what those are exactly, but I know they're not good!) and helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.  Sign me up for 10 cups please!
  • Black tea reduces cortisol - a stress hormone that your body produces - thereby helping you to process stress easier.  No wonder I've been so zen lately.  
  • My dentist swears by it.  She asked me on one of my first visits if I was a tea drinker - which entirely freaked me out because I thought she was going to say my teeth were stained.  Nope.  Instead she said that tea drinkers have less cavities because it fights off plaque.  But you should rinse with water after drinking tea.  
  • My acupuncturist is always ripping on me to drink more tea and not so much water.  She was an M.D. before becoming a Licensed Acupuncturist, so I listen to what she says more readily.  According to her, tea keeps you hydrated without flushing your body of nutrients.  I'm still drinking water, but I've replaced at least 3 glasses a day with tea. 
Fortunately for me I grew up in a family of tea drinkers.  I remember my first sip of my grandfather's English Breakfast.  Everyone chuckled thinking I'd run off...suckers - I sipped away at the whole cup!

        Bodum Assam Tea Press and Bistro Glass Tea Light Warmer   

Having a cool tea press like this on your counter doesn't hurt too much either!  A couple of my absolute favorite teas are Celestial Seasonings Decaffeinated Green Tea and Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf's Pomegranate Blueberry.  When I am drinking either of them (or English Breakfast, Ginger Peach, name it)  I see a noticeable difference in the texture of my skin, and overall health in general.  

You can probably tell from recent posts that I'm really thinking about how to live my life more fully and healthily.  Fashion is fun - but taking care of my inside is just as important as how I look externally.  I mean seriously, when's the last time you saw a depressed prune in a pair of knee-high boots?  

So how about it?  Are you a tea drinker?  I sure see a lot of coffee drinkers and always wonder if people move back and forth between the two beverages.  Would you jump on board if it meant better skin and health in general?

Make New Friends, But Keep The Old

Saturday afternoon found me in a hot mess of places I've temporarily sworn off of (think wallet restriction) - J.Crew, Free People, Zara, Barneys...  Why do I do this to myself?  Is it on purpose?  Perhaps to test my volition?  Quite honestly, I don't have a specific answer.  All I know is I escaped with wallet intact and two pairs of tights in bag. (Okay and a jacket.  But it was on steep sale so I get a pass).  Whatever the case, something wonderful happened as we strolled about - I was stopped at least ten times by women and men asking where I got my boots.  It's a wonderful feeling when you've leapt off your wallet for something you love only to find yourself twelve months later with strangers sharing your sentiments - especially when you're trying to save yourself from falling into boot cavern 2010. 

Making new friends is a treasured experience (present company included of course!), but there is something delicious about having old ones who know your secrets.  These are the relationships that don't require words, where trust has been built upon a firm foundation of shared good and bad times.  And so it goes, at least for me anyway, with my closet.  I love to go on the hunt for a new certain something - a dress, a unique ring or bangle for the jewelry collection, the perfect pair of jeans...or even better - the ultimate boot.  The act of discovering that "thing" is oftentimes just as exciting as the thing itself - but the relationship is truly put to the test once I get it home.  Is it as great as I thought it was?  Does it work with as many things as I'd anticipated?  Do I still want to wear it all the time after a couple of months?  Only the test of time will tell.  And so it has been with my military boots.  They have proven to be a never fail - I jumped at the chance to wear them in the summer when it was cool.  At first sight of fall I busted them out here in what turned out to be one of my favorite outfit posts yet.  And on Saturday they helped me to remember (as did everyone who complimented them) that I don't neeeeeeeeeed a new pair of boots.  Only a new pair of heels.  I kid, I kid!!

Now that I think about it every single item in this outfit
has been with me for at least a year - some closer to two.

James Perse Cotton/Cashmere Thermal, J.Crew Military Jacket,
Aritzia Leggings, Joie Boots, J.Crew Argyle Socks (you can't see haha)

 We haven't quite mastered the gloomy day camera settings, 
but somehow the faded images fit the day perfectly.

 My bad the bag has only been around for 3 or 4 months,
but with how often it's seen here you can probably tell it's a fave.
And it was one of those - see it, have to have it, step away from it Carrie, 
can't get it out of my mind, gotta return and get it! items.
You know those, right? hehe

And while we're on the shopping topic, how is your fall wardrobe coming along?  Have you been able to work in some of your old friends and keep the new ones to a minimum?  Or do you find yourself in a whole new circle of friends? hehe  Would love to hear what some of your faves currently are.  And hopefully the weekend was kind to you as well.  Oh Mondays - they sure to reappear quickly.

The Mad Vireo

Here are my top ten reasons why this white-eyed vireo looks mad:

10. Warblers get all the love.
9. He woke up on the wrong side of the vine tangle.
8. He's trying to cash in on some of that Mad Bluebird photo money.
7. He got drunk last night and people are confusing him with a red-eyed vireo.
6. Fall migration is a pain in the vent.
5. Hates the sound of a spishing birder.
4. Did not sign a model release for this photo.
3. Has been trying to tell people for years that he's not really saying "Quick get the beer check!"
2. He needs new spectacles.
1. Since he ate that banana slug, he's been constipated for weeks.

Turn That Frown Upside Down: Melinda Maria Giveaway!

In late August the Chef went all out and made my birthday super special (see here if you weren't following at that time).  It was honestly the best one of my life.  Unbeknownst to me, however, someone had done a little "shopping" in my suitcase while we were at the hotel and I returned home without several of my choicest pieces of jewelry.  Right after my birthday we left for Canada and I noticed I couldn't find a ring and a necklace while packing my bag, but chalked it up to having just misplaced it upon our return from birthdayville.  Not so much.  Cut to present and I have thus far realized I'm missing two rings, two bracelets and two necklaces (swallows lump in throat).  Two of the pieces were Melinda Maria (this ring and this cuff) - and you know I wear her jewelry 95% of the time (because it is in almost every single blog post) - so after suffering for the past few weeks I couldn't take it anymore and decided to jump off my wallet and replace as much as possible (3 pieces aren't even made anymore just to add salt to the wound).

First stop:  Melinda Maria.  I called her studio and explained the scenario which was like crying on the shoulders of my best girlfriends.  Back in the spring when I attended a private showing we did a giveaway and, as we were talking about recent events, the other day decided to erase a bad experience with a good one.  So you know what that means, right?  It's giveaway time!! Yahoooo!!

So here's the piece we selected for one lucky winner - it is my most favorite to date:

One lucky winner will win their choice of this ring with either white or black cz stones - the black stone version is not even available for sale yet anywhere and is a part of Melinda's upcoming collection.

And now:

*This giveaway is open to all U.S., Canadian and Overseas readers.  The entry period will run through 11:59pm PST Thursday, October 21st, 2010 and the winner will be announced on Friday, October 22, 2010. 

HOW TO ENTER - please leave a separate comment for each entry

*For one entry you must be a follower of this free bird via Google Reader (if you aren't already :)), AND leave a comment on this post stating you have done so.  Be sure you either leave an email address or have a link to your email on your blog so that I can contact you if you win.

*For additional entries: follow this free bird on twitter.

*Blog or tweet about this giveaway and leave a separate comment with the link back stating you have done so.  If this helps for twitter:  Just entered great @birdgirlc #giveaway for a Melinda Maria Oxidized Link Ring!

* and of course visit Melinda Maria Jewelry and let me know your favorite piece of jewelry.  Prepare to swoon!

I will contact the winner after next week's draw to find out your ring size (it is available in sizes 5 - 8), color preference and mailing address.  Good luck everyone!!

And p.s. - Have a great weekend!  Any special plans?

Getting to Know You Better...

Last week I was tagged by Lori at Wildflowers and thought I'd work her questions into today's post.  These are always fun to do so here we go!

  • What is your favorite time of the day?  Ooooh this is a tough one for me.  I'd have to say late afternoon when the sun is shining through the windows in the living room.  I love to curl up on the couch and take a deep exhale while Nancy Grace gives someone a grand rip from the television.  That toasty light makes everything seem right in the world.  Or is that Nancy Grace? hehe
 Joran Van der Sloot better just keep his ass in that Peruvian prison
if he knows what's good for him.

  • Where and when did you meet the love of your life?  I met the Chef about 10 years ago and, honestly, he kinda annoyed me (he knows this so I can say it).  I mean I thought he was nice and everything, but he was always bugging me with his jokes.  Little did I know he thought I was the cat's meow...cut to present and we've been dating for 2 years.  It's a long story.  Kind of like a novel - met through friends and kept in touch, I was dating someone else and living in Washington state, eventually moved to California but he was living in New York and we reconnected a few years ago.  I used to try and help him get dates and my bff Corey would always say he thought the Chef liked me.  I thought he was nuts.  So much for that! 
Aaaaaand here we are after Corey's wedding!  (Chef's on the right)

He digs a good morning/afternoon/anytime surf.
  • What 3 words would your friends outside the blogging world use to describe you?  Loyal, feisty, smart.  (and shoes).
 image via te quiero

  • What country would you like to visit and why?  There are so many I'd like to visit, but Italy tops my list right now with Israel being a close second.  Italy because I visited once for a couple weeks and don't feel as though I really got to take it all in.  There is so much to see and the pace of life makes sense to me.  I want to take in the little towns and the big cities - as much of the country as possible - and soak in every bit of the rich culture I can.  Maybe not come back?
 Gaeta, Italy

  •  What is your favorite dish to cook?  Roasted chicken.  I know that sounds weak, but it truly is.  All you have to do is throw it in the oven with potatoes and carrots around it, but I've had some messed up chickens in my time and this is one that I do well!  Wait.  Is cheesecake a dish? (or only in my world?)  Because I'm very good friends with cheesecake, too.
 mmmmmmm chicken

  • Salt or sugar?  This is a tough one for a girl whose favorite afterschool snack was Old Dutch Ripple Chips dipped in vanilla ice cream...Both!  I can't choose!!  Chocolate covered almonds, cashews, macadamias, walnuts - salt and sugar!  help!
  • What are your must have make-up or beauty items?  I am not that great with make-up and, as a result, don't wear much.  As a teenager I was convinced that having to wash it off - especially mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow - would cause wrinkles.  Yes, even then I was thinking of what lies ahead. There are a few things I do feel lost without:
 This stuff is amazing.  It keeps my skin soft
without a hint of greasy.  I use it morning and night.  Best stuff ever.

Have you tried this?  If not, I highly recommend.  
I use it a couple times a week in the shower and noticed a visible
difference in my face almost immediately.  l-o-v-e

I'm sure we're all screaming together about this one.

And finally...this is turning into a Fresh ad, but it's true - 
I can't use it daily because it's pretty expensive, but when I have 
a hard day or week this is my go-to relaxer.  A few caps in 
the tub and you'll feel so much better.  Soak!

  • What are your favorite flowers?  Gerbera Daisies, Peonies and Orchids.  All three have the ability to brighten my day in an instant.
 Gerbera Daisies

Pretty, pretty Peonies

Beautiful Orchids.  sigh
  • What do you think are your worst vices, honestly?  I need to learn to slow down and consider that what I'm doing may not be the top priority for the Chef.  (hangs head in shame)  I also need to get away from the computer and learn to have better balance in my life - outside, outside, outside.  It's not so fun to be around someone who is always attached to their phone or computer.  It's a hot mess.  And when I'm stressed out I can be a hot head.  I always say - I'm the verbal cuisinart, don't get caught in my blades.  And I'm not kidding.  My friends laugh when I say it, but it is true and it's not always the best quality to have.  Confessional over and out.
  •  At what time of your life were you the happiest and why?  You know this is a great question and I've thought about it off and on all week.  Do you ever have those seasons in your life when you pause for just a moment and realize it's one of the best times and you need to savor it?  I feel very blessed to be able to say this has happened more than a few times in my life.  When I lived on Day Island in Washington - hands down one of the best, if not the most content I have ever been.  I had a great community of friends that were more like family, I loved where I lived - the most amazing renovated older home right smack on the water, my boss and the job I held was just wonderful - it was almost idyllic. And most importantly I remember it as the first time in my adult years where I was truly comfortable with myself and at peace with my life.  Every room had a water view and I had the best landlord ever.
 There was a one way in front of the house and then the water.  
It took 5 years to recover from living there and
my heart still breaks a little.

Anyway!  Thanks so much for tagging me, Miss Lori.  This was fun!!  And now I will pass this along to the following people:
And really - anyone who wants to take part.  Please let me know if you do.  I love reading these things and would be interested to hear your responses!

The Truth is in the Wind

I realized something when I went out yesterday evening.  I don't get enough time outside.  I haven't walked briskly in the open air along the trail by the beach in months (I used to do this almost every day).  When was the last time I read a book cover to cover?  I cannot recall.  And how about Pilates?  (something I used to love and look forward to just for the sheer joy of stretching and relaxing) Honestly?  I can't remember the last time I did a full work out or Pilates session more than a day or two in a row.  It's been months.

My heart sunk as I stood in the open, breezy air as people walked by with their dogs and each other or alone.  All the things I'm neglecting are healthy for my heart and soul in the most intrinsic ways.  They make me who I am.  When I was thinking back on all the fun tourists I've met out on walks...oh the conversations I've had and stories I could tell.  And books?  Books are some of my best friends!  I have been robbing them of my time.  Truthfully?  I've been robbing myself.  Of just slowing down and pointedly taking time every day to focus on living and thinking, not doing.

Do you ever feel like this?  Like you're just going, going, going and you know things are slipping, but then one day the weight of it all bears down on you in a passing glance, a visit from a friend, or the wind in your hair?  Things have got to change.

 Tonight I caught some rays.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
I let the wind have its way with my hair.
 I stood for a long time just looking out.  
The railing was new (that never happens in my neighborhood)
and I felt sad that I didn't even know we got new railing along the path.
It was cool beneath my hand.
I might've walked a bit, but had on some 'not made for much walking shoes'.
But there's always tomorrow.
And that really encouraged me because realizing you have
time to make a change is just as good as realizing you
want to change something.

Hope your week is moving along smoothly and splendidly, but filled with enough time for you :)

Outfit details:  Tucker for Target Blouse, Tucker by Gaby Basora Belt (gifted), Gap Denim, Steven Madden Clogs, Sorial Handbag, PANYC leather/metal bracelet, Melinda Maria Pyramid and Tiger Bangles, Ring.


And no I don't mean my abdomen.  Although if donuts keep swirling 'round my gluten-free mind you just might find me under the wheel of the gluten wagon at Le Donut say around, oh, 3am right smack on the dot when Mr. Le Donut let's the glazed cinnamon twists out of the glaze.  Not that I'd know anything about that or anything.  Ahh the good old days last week.

Rather, what I am referring to in this case dear friends is the neeeeeeed for appropriate staples in the wardrobe.  Now before you run off or slip into a coma (if you're even remotely like me the words "wardrobe" and "staples" cause inevitable head nodding) just bear with me a moment as I feel your pain and share a tale that occurred yesterday.  I had a meeting that required me to leave the house (work required rarity) - and before 10am.  This is a red alert in Carrie-land.  I am not a morning person.  As a matter of fact my mind does not even function properly until 10:30 or 11am - it must be in the DNA because I've been this way since birth.  In addition to this early morning allergy - I don't own a suit (waves victory flag!).  Even the word makes me break out in a hive.  For 8 years I have consulted with one of the most fancy-shmancy retained executive search firms in all the land and successfully avoided the suit.  You don't understand dear people...this feat requires the attention of Guinness Book.  I am the last of a dying breed - a population of one.  How have I done this you ask?  With craft and skill and diversionary prowess, friends.  Last week I feared my city of "Hell No To Suits - Population 1" may have been on the verge of extinction when I (was coerced into) agreed to meet the President of a company.  For one entire day I fretted and sweated the possibility of having to purchase the suit ixnay.  But victory was mine when I dove into my closet with fierce determination and came out with a slough of basics that resulted in a brilliant outfit that in no way, shape or form said "I belong to 'the man' " (one of my biggest fears ever).  And so I say to you fine women - incorporate at least these simple staples into your wardrobe and you too will be victorious.

I remember one of my most fave clients ever advising me to
invest in this magnificent staple.  She was and is brilliant.
At first you cringe, but then you wear it with skinny minnie
poplin stretch pants and loafers on an "off day" and realize you're still cool.
Or the Ludlow Jacket from J.Crew is a great alternative, too.
This way you provide the "illusion" of the suit, but never actually 
don the pants.  
Instead opting for dark colored skinny denim.  
Black or midnight blue is best so as to remain professional, but 
also still have casual ways to get full use of the pants
and not relegate them to that icky part of the closet known as "work clothes"
Here is where the fun really begins.  
Invest in a good pair of black knee high boots and a pair of heels.
If there is one thing I have learned in consulting 
it is that hair, skin, nails, shoes and bags speak volumes.  
If you are well-groomed, carrying a chic handbag and 
wearing a killer shoe - they won't even remember your non-suit.
But they will always recall "those shoes" and "that bag".
 The bag.  I actually first bought this bag in brown and because 
it was so amazing later picked it up in black as well.  
They do go on sale so keep watch vigilantly.
I've had mine for 3 or 4 years and they are my go-to bags.
Client meetings - yes, but also for daily living.
And let us not forget the statement necklace.
Sometimes you may opt for a cashmere shell or silk camisole in place of 
that woven.  In this instance especially the statement necklace will keep
the outfit from being too casual thereby masking the lack of woven.

I would also sing the praises of all of J.Crew's cashmere in photos right now, 
except their server seems to be blocking this at present.
All I can say is you will never go wrong investing in cashmere - 
especially when it is on sale.  It lasts forever and never stops being classy.

Now don't get me wrong - a beautiful suit is a treasured thing to own, but I don't have $1500 lying around to get one I want (and then several more so I can wear daily if need be).  Instead I have been very successful for several years meeting company heads who didn't bat an eye at my non-suit provided I was still dressed polished and professionally in basics.  What did I wear today, you ask? J.Crew Black Boyfriend Blazer - sleeves rolled displaying pinstriped lining, charcoal grey Vince silk camisole, Gorjana 'Tree of Life' necklace, J.Crew skinny denim, Banana Republic Black leather knee-high boot, Foley + Corinna Mid-City Tote in black, hair pulled back in sleek low ponytail.

I would've taken a picture, but it was early and I couldn't really see straight.  And by the time I got home I had to work and then quickly turn around to leave for evening class.   There wasn't even time to read your blogs.  Monday.  But today's a new day.  Yay for Tuesday!! Is it Friday tomorrow?

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