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Potato Gnocchi with Kale

Last year I saw a picture of gnocchi in a magazine and memories of gluten-filled days flooded my mind.  Pasta, Betty Crocker cakes out of the box (my fave!), french bread, croutons, my mom's cookies, pizza dough and many other things came home to roost.  Granted I can now make several of these things on my own having adjusted well to gluten-free living, but the gnocchi is something I hadn't ventured to try so in came a special request to the Chef.

It took some experimentation with different flour blends, but cut to the present and this dish is now a regular of ours.  The kale on the side is an added bonus that makes it interesting and even more delicious.  We spared you the gluten-free version, but if anyone out there would like it please don't hesitate to send me an email or leave me a comment and I'll get the flour blend we use for this recipe right over to you.

Enjoy everyone! (p.s. - i'm swamped at work, but still reading your blogs even though i'm stretched too thin to comment properly.  hopefully it'll smooth out soon!)

Potato Gnocchi with Kale
1       potato
1       egg yolk
1/8C flour
1t      salt

3C    kale sliced 1/4 inch
3T    olive oil
3cl.   garlic slice thin
2t     red chili flakes
2T    water
salt and pepper to taste
squeeze lemon

Parmesan shaved for garnish.


Preheat oven to 450.
Poke potato and microwave for 5 minutes, finishing it in the oven for about 15 minutes more.
While potato is hot remove skin and mash until smooth and warm to touch (vs. hot).

Add egg yolk and salt, mix until completely cooled and smooth.

Add flour and bring together forming a ball - if dough is still sticky add flour until it doesn't stick to your hand.

Knead on table for 30sec until combined.  Careful not to overwork or your dumplings will be tough. To know it's right press gently with finger, it should spring back half way.

Cut in thirds and roll into tubes.

Cut on angle about 1/2 inch each.

Here are the next steps with accompanying pictures.  You will be rolling each one into a ball and rolling out on a fork. So begin by holding one with your middle finger and thumb, press it into the fork making an indention with your index finger and finish by rolling over with thumb.

 At the end you'll have a nice pile of these.

Drop into boiling water. Once they float, remove after about 30 seconds and place into ice water.

Once chilled place on paper towel to dry.  They can be stored in the fridge for three days or frozen. To finish saute in olive oil until crispy - about 1min per side.

For the kale begin by slicing it on the width in half inch strips; place in a bowl and set aside.  Slice the garlic and set aside.

Next - add oil to your pan and heat it up on the stove top to warm the oil, but not too hot.   Add chili flakes and garlic, cooking for approximately 2minutes on low to medium heat.

Add kale cooking until it wilts, stir occasionally.  Add water cooking until it evaporates.  Pull the pan from the stove seasoning the kale with lemon and salt and pepper.

We cook the gnocchi first, so at this point we toss it back into the pan with the kale, return it to the stove top to slightly warm, and then plate.

Garnish with shaved Parmesan and ta-da!!

Let me assure you that this was the pretty plate for the picture.  At times we do have fun eating little piles of food like this because it's nice to do fancy stuff for yourself at home.  When we make this particular dish, however, it's usually a portion 2 or 3 times this size - or repeated visits for refills because it's soooo good.  Please let us know if you try it and how it works out. 

If you read Annie's blog or Iva's blog they've given some great information on kale recently.  It has so many health benefits and is one of my favorite leafy greens.  You should totally check out their blogs for the down low.
Before I forget - If you are interested in learning more about pricing/options on the Dutzi handbags and totes, please leave me a comment or email so I can get information to you.  I have special (very reasonable) pricing available for a limited time for readers of my blog, and am happy to answer any questions you might have.  Thanks in advance to everyone who has inquired - I will be emailing information tomorrow and throughout the weekend.

And with that, I'm out.  I hope you have a great, relaxing, fun weekend.  Summer's winding down so quickly we have to soak in every last minute!  Happy Weekend Everyone!

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