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Cold Weather Thoughts and Hints of Things to Come

I'm going to make a shameful admission.  It's 11:30am and I've barely gotten out of bed.  In fact, I turned on the computer and hopped back in to huddle under the covers to try to keep warm.  It's hard to believe that July is here in Southern California, but I'll make another admission - gloomy weather is good thinking weather.  It makes me slow down and think about all kinds of things.  Like:

-Gee I miss my mom I really need to call her back.
-I wonder what Rosamond is doing right now?
-Why are my cats galloping around the house?
-Wait!  Were those cats on my white bedding again?!?
-What is up with bedroom furniture sets?
-I need more space to hold my clothes and shoes this is out of control.
-Gross!  Is that a June Bug?!?
-Damn I wish my birthday wasn't coming up again. 
-Gotta Skype with the niece this weekend.
-My feet are cold.
-Is the Chef ever going to get out of the water to make me some more Ebelskivers?
-I hope I win the lotto so I can buy clothes for fall.  Maybe I should buy a ticket.

There is no rhyme or reason to these thoughts - they're just flowing smoothly all through the brain area in no particular order and completely overlapping one another.  These thoughts and many more.  The ones that continued to arise this morning were basically I am having dessert-like Ebelskivers for breakfast - after I have some warm breakfasty style ones. hehe

The kind people at CSN Stores have contacted me to do a review/giveaway.  Have you visited them?  They offer a ton of stuff from a bazillion brands - and the brands are primo.  Everything from amazing Herman Miller Chairs and Diane Von Furstenberg Luggage to, yes, entire bedroom furniture sets.  You can even find a scratching post for your cats so they don't tear up your James Perse bedding (prolly should have thought of that sooner...).

In any event, stay tuned for a little giveaway within the next week or so.  It will be related to something I've talked about on my blog in the past, something that was well-received, and something I hope doesn't sell out before I get it to give to you!!  Cross your fingers ladies...I hope you're hungry!

Have a great weekend!!

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