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Update on Chef's Mom

I wanted to check in and first give a blanket Thank You to each and every one of you who left a kind note and/or said a prayer or sent a healing thought in the Chef's Mom's direction.  We appreciate your well wishes so very, very much.  It's been a crazy couple of days here.

As of now his mom is in the ICU and still sleeping.  Her surgery appears to have gone smoothly and she has woken up only briefly.  They reinserted her breathing tube because she is sleeping so soundly - which I'm sure I would be too after having 8 or 9 hours of surgery during which some people cracked open my chest, rebuilt the arteries around my heart, physically manipulated my heart and then sewed my chest back together with steel.  And just think - she was in that hospital and in surgery in less than a 24 hour time period so this moved very quickly.  Yikes.  I can't even begin to imagine and am thinking I will only be eating only salads for the rest of my life.  Or until next week when I fall off the wagon.  I'm ba-ack (at least a little).

Anyway, Chef and his family are hoping she will be more coherent tomorrow so they can see with their own eyes that their mom is going to fully pull through.  Unless you hear otherwise from me...she is on the mend.

Thank you again everyone.  I never would have thought when I started this blog a few months ago that it would be such a community of support.  You are the best.


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