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Sleepin' Cool in the Heat

A few years ago, while slumbering away in the middle of the night, I was awakened by the sound of the door at the end of the hallway gently being closed.  Hel-loooo I live alone with two cats and not only can they not reach the door knob, they don't wear heavy soled boots.  My mind went into overdrive.  Surely those were not footsteps I was hearing on the hardwood floors.  I tried to convince myself it was nothing; that I was just making it up.  In true MacGyver form I reached over for my cell phone and clicked it to shine the light down the hallway where, indeed, the door WAS closed AND the dining room light was shining from underneath.  Not good.  Someone was out there and my damn phone was almost dead.  Now what??  My adrenaline was racing and my heart was in my throat.

I considered calling 911 (I also sleep with my landline next to my bed) - but what if they heard and killed me before the Police arrived?

I looked around for a weapon.  Not smart.

I leaned over to grab the sweatpants that were folded neatly next to my bed (always prepared for an emergency) and the sneakers tucked underneath.  I have a door off my bedroom that leads directly to the outside and the garage.  That was my escape route.  My cell phone was almost dead so I snuck into the next bedroom on tiptoe (cuckoo?), plugged it in, grabbed my purse, waited a few moments without breathing while the intruder(s) strolled around on the other side of the wall and then, when the phone had a bar or two, I made a HUGE scenario about making a move for the door off my room.  I slammed, banged, and did it up big hoping they would think I was a large male.

Suffice it to say I made it out alive.  I got in my car and drove away at the speed of light, called the Police and, fortunately, did not have a single article stolen from my home.  Probably, they said, due to my heavy footed charade which was basically ridiculous.

The thing that saved me was being prepared.  The change of clothes, bag and keys next to the bed made for an easy getaway.  Suffice it to say, no matter how hot it gets, I will never sleep in the raw.  Never.  Life's too short.  Instead I turn to Honeydew Intimates to beat the heat in the summer - and allow for a pair of sweats over top in case I need to make a quick escape (please God never again).

The summer that many of you have been experiencing has definitely made its way to Southern California.  This weekend was comprised of laying on the beach, late afternoon sandstorms, delicious bbq's, sangria tasting, and trying to get a good night's sleep while ensuring safe getaway.  A/C is great for during the early evening, but I will not use it at night because with the noise level I wouldn't hear if anyone broke in.  Call me paranoid, but given past experience I think I'm justified.

I rely on a ceiling fan and my Honeydew Babydoll nighties.  They are super soft, comfy and very pretty.  With a cool shower before bed they set me up perfectly for a great night of zzzz's.  Have you tried them?  I used to be a strict Hanky Panky girl, but those things are not inexpensive.  A girl in a local boutique encouraged me to give their Low Rise Hipsters a try a couple years ago and they have been a staple in my drawer ever since.  They don't ride up, the cotton is a dream, and they come in all sorts of fun colors.

This afternoon I took a trip over to Nordstrom to check out their Anniversary sale.  Due to the mob the only thing I left with was the Honeydew Hipster in 4 new colors.  They have a great deal right now at 4 for $36 and there was a lot of selection left.  Unfortunately the location I visited was sans the Babydoll, but I'm going to get on the horn in the AM and see what I can do.  It's not getting any cooler and I'm not sleeping fully clothed.  If you are looking for cute and cool nighttime wear I couldn't recommend Honeydew more highly!

If you have experienced success with other items they offer or have an alternate line you turn to in summer I would love to hear about it.

Hope you had a fun and relaxing weekend!!

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