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Haiku for the Single Girl - Giveaway

Girls it's Friday.  Let's tear this mother down! You know, have two days of guilt-free naps...yawwwwn.

I thought today would be the perfect day to kick-off a giveaway for one of the funniest books I've ever read.  About a month ago a rep at Penguin contacted me about Beth Griffenhagen's book Haiku for the Single Girl.  I usually glaze over those PR emails, but this one caught my eye.

I mean just look at it:  you know it's going to be brilliant, right??

I spent more than a few years as a single person, and a few more than that dating duds.  After awhile you become accustomed to random people in your life offering up advice on how to land 'the one'.  What they don't understand is that there are only 3 good ones left out there.  Period.   And sometimes you just aren't in the mood to bother. Okay?? *sorry flashback*

Anyway, I busted up laughing at Beth's description of how the book was born. She was returning home after a girls night out in NYC, and on her way to the train stopped to grab a bag of Cheetos.  Before she knew it half the bag was gone, her hands were covered in Cheeto dust, and she had nowhere to wipe them so just dusted them off on her bag.  In a moment of cocktail induced hilarity the following Haiku came to mind:

Mmmmkay?  Like I said, brilliant.

The book is filled to the brim with the most hilarious haikus that are totally on singledom point. Whether you're single now or just remember the days, you'll totally get a kick out of the book and want to split sides over it with a friend.

I have one copy to give away and here's how to enter:
1.  Just leave a comment with your email so I know where to reach you if you win.
2.  For extra entries you can a. tweet about the giveaway and/or b. write a haiku and leave it in the comments.
3. Leave a separate comment for each entry.
4. Winner announced on Tuesday, October 1, 2011.

Please leave haikus! Don't be shy.  Here's mine (totally not dating related, but cat lady so it still counts):

Cats gallop wildly
Twisting turning through the halls
Things are looking up

Only the single woman can truly understand the companionship of the cat species...and the value of an evening spent on the couch surrounded by bags of chips, chocolate bars and Felicity episodes.  Some habits never die no matter what your relationship status...Have a great weekend everyone!

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