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Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

I'm a relatively new person to Apple products.  I mean I've had an iPod for years, but only started using an iMac early this year and just recently converted to an iPhone.  I regret letting my fear of not being able to learn to use a Mac hold me back for so long--it's the best computer I've ever had and, as a result, has caused me to consider Steve Jobs' mind a lot since purchasing.  Just like the guy in-store told me, all you need is intuition to use it.  On top of that it's just beautiful to look at.  We lost a true innovator yesterday.

I wasn't going to say anything about his passing, but then came across Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address.  After watching a couple times and getting a lot of encouragement following a particularly tough day at work, it seemed fitting and timely to share with you.  If you haven't already heard his speech I highly recommend finding a quiet spot to take it in.  As someone who has taken an unorthodox career path and made more than a few 'road less traveled' life decisions, his words really spoke to and encouraged me.  I hope they do the same for you--especially if you're having one of those 'what the hell am I doing with my life?' moments.

Rest in peace, Steve Jobs.

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