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Welcome to Storybrooke, Maine

So many little blurby posts I'd like to spill out all in a day.  I'll start with this one and let the trailer do the talking.  Did you guys happen to catch Once Upon A Time Sunday night on ABC?  Um, it's off the hook!!

I'm a fairy tale junkie--grew up on them and they still hold a special place in my heart--this show incorporates a magical fairy tale element to it without being wishy washy or childish.  It's also kind of dark which I particularly loved.  Wasn't sure how I'd feel about Ginnifer Goodwin, but have managed to get visions of Margene out of my head (seriously still haven't recovered from the loss of Big Love).  Last night was dedicated entirely to catching up on the DVR--laundry be damned--and I found myself wanting to watch Once Upon a Time all over again as soon as it was finished.  Truth be told it was like that good book you dread completing so drag out as the pages draw closer and closer to the end.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about check the trailer here and then go catch the episode on the internet or OnDemand.  We need to discuss the brilliance!!  Giddy

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