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Lost at Sea

That's how I feel on the wardrobe front.  Half the time I feel like that about the overall state of my life.  I mean do you ever really know what you're supposed to be doing with your life?  Another post for another day, I guess.

Anyway.  I've been going through my clothes and trying to come up with some sort of plan for Fall/Winter.  It's not been that successful.  Wardrobe schizophrenia has struck and the conclusion is as follows:  I can't find anything I'm interested in adding to my existing closet (even though I'm a little bored most of my stuff except the fringe) because everything in-store reminds me of the 80's.  I lived through the 80's.  I lived it to the fullest:  neon, lace, jeggings, crotch-drooping pants, military vests, moto jackets, oversized sweaters, shaker knit.  Only when it was over did I realize the scar that was left behind.  Clearly all wounds don't heal because I'm still tossed up (only the mad love for military boots remains).  And then came the 90's.  Still had more military boots than the closet could contain.  Oxfords?  Another left over guilty pleasure from the 80's.

What are my options?  Still trying to figure that out.  Yesterday I attacked a stack of mail and uncovered the October Free People catalogue.  Pretty sure I couldn't wear any of it for work, but there's something about bag lady chic that's always called out to me.  Bag lady it is.

Like the motto on this one.  
Might even bring back my Kurt Cobain stage and wear the plaid.
But everything else is a win for sure.
Love this entire idea.  
Not sure I'd wanna work those boots, but a similar substitute and ta-da.
I don't want what everyone else has either.  Just the jacket.
Long sweater dress.  Food for thought.  
Sans rainbow boots for me, but they are cute on her.
I don't know.  There's a part of me that's still back in the September catalogue
where I found this one.  The dress is wonderful and would be 
superb with a chunky grey sweater over top, no?

Anyone else in 80's denial?
*images via Free People*

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