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Pizza, Wine, Doing Nothing Much

Why is it so tough to achieve balance?  When things are really busy I adjust to the pace and go, go, go.  But when it slows and there's downtime it can be tough to relax and simply be.  I'm that person still looking for something to do, and then when it's time to speed back up you'll find me feeling sorry for myself for having not taken advantage of the downtime.  The pendulum swings from one extreme to the next and it's something I'm working on changing.

Yesterday the Chef had some free time so we decided to grab lunch at Pizzeria Mozza.  It just opened in Newport and the line's usually out the door, but we were in luck and got right in.  On the way there I fought feelings of guilt--that I should be doing something.  You know I used to have a good grip on this, but with the unpredictability in the economy it's made me feel like downtime is negative time and that's just not true.  Suddenly I said to myself, 'You are doing something.  You're going for lunch."  Seems simple enough, right? *shakes head*

I don't fall off the gluten wagon for much, but this is one of Mario Batali's spots.  Suffice it to say it did not disappoint...and I do believe I was once again able to get a handle on the fine art of doing nothing.  Just in time to get some work this morning.  Figures.

Fried Squash Blossoms with Ricotta.
In a word:  d-i-e.  They were just incredible!
Wine.  Don't have lunch without it.
I'm not much of a wine connoisseur, but the one I tried was great.
And they have a whole wall to choose from.
But the pizza was the motherlode.  The crust was perfect.  
Perfectly perfect, in fact - if there is such a thing.
We had the Fennel Sausage and Bianca (cheesy goodness).
As I said the other day--it's still hot in Southern Cal.  Yesterday was 80 degrees
at noon.  Niiiiice.  So back on with the shorts, lace blazer and booties.
(And no I don't drive hunched over the wheel despite what this suggests.)
Thankfully I don't get sick of this combo...although it did rain today for a brief stint.
By the time I got my sweater on the sun came out. So goes it!

And yes--I am still living it out on Instagram.  Weak sauce or not, it's better than hauling out a camera in a restaurant--the phone was bad enough. Cringe

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